Here is the video of Santa Claus is coming to town as performed by Glee, to sing along and get ready for next Friday. Practise often, you want to be ready to be the best!
I created a facebook page for the blog to keep you informed of the updates and new articles: Facebook page . Please like it! :D Don't hesitate and share with your facebook friends.
It is also possible to suscribe to the blog directly on this page (scroll down, on the right) or to become a "follower".
J'ai créé une page facebook pour le blog pour vous informer plus facilement des nouveaux articles et des mises à jour:Facebook page Un petit "j'aime" et c parti! N'hésitez pas à recommander la page à vos amis facebook. Il est aussi possible de s'abonner au blog directement sur cette page (colonne de droite) ou de devenir un "follower".
Here is the link to the extract from the film Golden Door, starring Charlotte Gainsbourg and relating the journey of Italian immigrants to the USA at the turn of the 20th century. In this extract, they have just arrived at Ellis Island and are undergoing the different inspections. Bear the text "The Ellis Island Experience" in mind as you watch the video.
Get ready for class:
What scenes can you recognize from the text? What are the main steps immigrants have to go through?
How are the immigrants treated by the staff?
How do they react?
If you had been an immigrant, how would you have reacted? What impressions do you get from the video and the text? Develop and give arguments.
Here are a few links of interest about Great Britain during the industrial revolution and in Victorian Times.
There are thousands of websites and videos on both topics, don't hesitate and inform me of any great link you may find while doing your research (leave it in a comment on this article).
If you are in 4e, here's a page to help you with the lessons from "TRIP 1".
If you are in another class, this link is made for you as well, especially if you want to go abroad!
Just click here: Welcome to London!