Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tous niveaux - Applications à télécharger

Voici de quoi travailler autrement, en utilisant vos joujoux high tech du moment: téléchargez les applications proposées par Cambridge English !


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lycée - What's new?

Quelques nouveautés accessibles ...

...depuis la section "ressources utiles":

Ted talks (Ideas worth spreading) Les conférences internationales TED, sont organisées par la fondation à but non lucratif Sapling foundation. Cette fondation a été créée pour diffuser des « idées qui valent la peine d'être diffusées ». De courtes vidéos pour vous ouvrir l' non non, ce n'est pas du blabla ennuyeux mais parfois de véritables one-man/woman shows!

... depuis la section "Activités lycée":

Mémoriser son lexique facilement
Enrichir son lexique plus facilement
To ou For?
As ou Like?
15 erreurs courantes
Améliorer sa compréhension orale
Gagner en assurance à l'oral
Gagner en fluidité à l'oral
Améliorer sa prononciation (vous pouvez aller directement à la minute 01:20)

Right, feeling any better now? ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

2ndes - Chico State University

Dear students,

If you want to see the whole promotional video of Chico State university, just press to play:

If you want to get more information about the university itself, click here.
There are other videos on Chico's youtube channel (first year experience, study abroad, international students...), so if you are curious, feel free to watch them!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

2ndes - Get ready for your exam

Voici une liste de liens utiles pour vous préparer à votre DST oral de la semaine du 6 octobre. Ecoutez, et n'hésitez pas à noter les bons arguments qui pourront faire mouche le jour J!

Greek Life:
Rush week and the meanings of Greek life
Sorority recruitment guide (ne pas tout lire nécessairement...lisez en diagonale et repérez les arguments et idées qui pourraient vous servir)
S'informer sur les différentes fraternités et sororités

Campus life:
Why should you get involved on campus?
5 reasons to get involved
Harvard's student clubs and organizations

(plus de liens bientôt)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

100% !

Toutes mes félicitations à notre première promo européenne qui, après trois ans de travail en équipe a brillamment réussi ses épreuves d'anglais et de DNL Histoire/Géographie au bac.
100% de mentions européennes, nous sommes très fiers de vous! Alors pour nos terminales DNL hip hip hip.....hourrah :) !

Tuesday, May 27, 2014



If you are getting ready for the Baccalauréat exam, here is a new website that has been created just for you Nos conseils pour bien se préparer
All the tips and advice for you to rock on D day(s), released by the ministry of education!

Good luck to all of you :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lycée- 12 years a slave

If you are looking for a film to watch, you really should go and see 12 years a slave, directed by Steve McQueen. This is the true story of Solomon Northup, who lived as a free man before being kidnapped and sold as a slave, and struggled to survive and regain freedom.

Here is all that you should know about the film  and the trailer:

A really powerful and moving film that won't let you untouched by the fate of black slaves in the USA, and will teach you more about that somber part of American history.
A must-see!

To finish, a scene to make you think and ponder about the power of singing and the birth of gospel songs among slave communities (you will completely grasp the meaning of this scene as you watch the whole film):

2ndes 7- Paper Planes English Prize 2014


Here is the link to know more about the Paper Planes English Prize 2014 Learn more about what you can win, the rules, last year's winning short stories and poems, get some advice by Rupert Morgan, an author, and more...

And now a special treat for you to have some fun: follow this link to solve a mystery with Dexter:
It's not very easy, far from it, so good luck! ;)