Monday, December 17, 2012

5e3, 5e4, 4e3 - Santa Claus is coming to town

Here is the video of Santa Claus is coming to town as performed by Glee, to sing along and get ready for next Friday. Practise often, you want to be ready to be the best!
Have fun!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Facebook Page

I created a facebook page for the blog to keep you informed of the updates and new articles:  Facebook page . Please like it! :D Don't hesitate and share with your facebook friends.
It is also possible to suscribe to the blog directly on this page (scroll down, on the right) or to become a "follower".

J'ai créé une page facebook pour le blog pour vous informer plus facilement des nouveaux articles et des mises à jour: Facebook page Un petit "j'aime" et c parti! N'hésitez pas à recommander la page à vos amis facebook. Il est aussi possible de s'abonner au blog directement sur cette page (colonne de droite) ou de devenir un "follower".

Have a lovely weekend

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2ndes - The arrival at Ellis Island in famous films

Here are two other extracts from famous films you may watch to have a better insight into the journey of the immigrants:

The Godfather:
And The Immigrant (Charlie Chaplin, 1916, complete):

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Here is the link to the extract from the film Golden Door, starring Charlotte Gainsbourg and relating the journey of Italian immigrants to the USA at the turn of the 20th century. In this extract, they have just arrived at Ellis Island and are undergoing the different inspections. Bear the text "The Ellis Island Experience" in mind as you watch the video.

Get ready for class:
What scenes can you recognize from the text? What are the main steps immigrants have to go through?
How are the immigrants treated by the staff?
How do they react?
If you had been an immigrant, how would you have reacted? What impressions do you get from the video and the text? Develop and give arguments.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1ères - Victorian Britain / The Industrial Revolution

Here are a few links of interest about Great Britain during the industrial revolution and in Victorian Times.
There are thousands of websites and videos on both topics, don't hesitate and inform me of any great link you may find while doing your research (leave it in a comment on this article).
First a website with many interesting links: Victorian England 
A video on Life in Victorian Britain:
The Children who built Victorian Britain (3 parts):
The Industrial Revolution for dummies...I know, I know, you're not! Still, it's fun to watch! ;) :
A whole collection entitled "WHAT THE VICTORIANS DID FOR US". You can find all the episodes on youtube, I chose the one related to SOCIAL PROGRESS:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

4e, 2ndes, 1ères - Welcome to London!


If you are in 4e, here's a page to help you with the lessons from "TRIP 1".
If you are in another class, this link is made for you as well, especially if you want to go abroad!
Just click here: Welcome to London!

Here's what you can do:

Unit 1: Transport
The Tube
Listen 1: Choosing transport from Heathrow into town
Listen 2: At the ticket office
Listen 3: In the train station
Read 1: Comparing travel options
Speak 1: Comparisons and the 'schwa' sound
Unit 2: Hotel
The Hotel
Listen 1: At the hotel reception (part 1)
Listen 2: At the hotel reception (part 2)
Read 1: In the hotel room
Read 2: Finding a hotel in London
Unit 3: Cinema
Listen 1: Suggesting a night out in London
Listen 2: Deciding what film to see
Listen 3: Talking about the film
Read 1: Reading film reviews
Read 2: Cinemas in London
Speak 1: Using stress to help describe a film
Unit 4: Shopping
Listen 1: Buying a pair of shoes
Listen 2: Buying some jeans
Read 1: Where to shop in London
Read 2: Oxford Street crime
Speak 1: Using the schwa sound when asking for things
Unit 5: Work
Listen 1: Talking about work conditions (part 1)
Listen 2: Talking about work conditions (part 2)
Read 1: Job applications
Speak 1: Pronouncing 'have to'
Unit 6: Eating Out
Indian restaurant
Listen 1: Going out to a restaurant
Listen 2: Ordering a meal
Read 1: Eating out in Brick Lane in east London
Speak 1: Word stress when talking about food

Thursday, November 29, 2012

6e-5e-4e-2nde-1ère... Irregular verbs' application on your IPhone


Here's an Iphone application you can use on any Apple device to revise your irregular verbs.
You can play and follow your progress.

Just click here to get more information: iGoWentGone


Monday, November 12, 2012

5e,2nde - Ellis Island

Hey kids!

Here is the official link to know more about Ellis Island and the story of millions of immigrants:

and here is a video to understand what it was like to be an immigrant:

See you soon in class!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

5e 4e - Irregular verbs Games


Here are a few links for you to play and revise irregular verbs at the same time:

TV show - jeopardy (you can play with up to 4 teams!)

14 activities (memory games and speed games. Go to "Past Tense of Irregular Verbs #1 to 7" and click on "matchwords" or "speedwords")

The irregular verbs spinning wheel :)

jeopardy (you can have 2 players)

crossword puzzle

type fast before the boy falls

Verb dash, hurry before time runs out!

And to finish a cartoon:

If you know any other nice games online, please leave me the link in the comments!
Si vous connaissez d'autres jeux en ligne ou d'autres sites, merci de me laisser l'adresse dans les commentaires ci-dessous.

Monday, October 8, 2012

5e - Be the architect and design your ideal city!

Voici quelques conseils pour t'aider à te préparer pour ton oral de la semaine qui vient. Tu dois donc imaginer la ville de tes rêves, et la présenter en anglais à la classe.
Attention! Le but réel est de vérifier que tu sais réutiliser tout le vocabulaire et les points de grammaire travaillés dans Unit 1 Lesson 2. C'est ça le plus important!
Suis ces étapes à la lettre, et tu réussiras!
  1. Commence par apprendre/revoir toutes les leçons pour être sûr de les maîtriser. C'est la base.
  2. Prends un brouillon, et pense à la ville de tes rêves. Où se situe-t-elle (mer, montagne, fleuve? pays? région? ...)? Qu'aimerais-tu y trouver? Pense aux infrastructures qui te semblent utiles, agréables, essentielles; tout cela dépend de tes goûts, de ce que tu aimes faire en ville... Note sur ton brouillon directement en anglais tout ce que tu veux placer dans ta ville, et indique à côté pour quelle raison.
  3. Regarde tes notes, et essaye de trouver un ordre logique pour tes idées. Regroupe tout ce qui va ensemble: ce qui a trait aux loisirs/sorties, puis ce qui se rapporte aux logements, au travail, aux transports...Il ne faut pas tout mélanger! Choisis dans quel ordre tu vas parler de chaque chose, et remets tes idées au propre sans tout rédiger.
  4. Trouve une petite phrase d'introduction, et une pour la conclusion. Donner un nom à ta ville serait une bonne idée...
  5. Dessine le plan de ta ville. Pas besoin d'une oeuvre d'art, mais il faut que ce soit beau, propre, et assez grand pour pouvoir le montrer à tes camarades (il sera aimanté sur le tableau). Tu peux dessiner, faire à l'ordinateur, coller des photos...Sois imaginatif!
  6. Entraîne-toi à voix haute plusieurs fois sur plusieurs jours à décrire ton plan: que trouve-t-on et où? Utilise pour ce faire "there is/are" et les prépositions de lieu (behind, in front of, next to, near, far from, opposite, at the corner, ...) Explique pour chaque bâtiment/lieu pourquoi tu l'as mis dans ta ville et pourquoi à cet endroit. Pour ce faire utilise le présent simple, et les expressions de goût (be crazy about, be fond of, like, hate, love...sans oublier que derrière, on met soit un nom, soit une BV-ing).
Good luck, architects!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

6e, 5e, 4e, 2nde, 1ère - Irregular verbs - Song Competition

Hey kids,

Watch this video by Manu Payet:

If you think you can do better, send me your video or audio file.
The best ones will be posted on my blog (with your parents' agreement)! You may become a legend...

Regardez cette vidéo. Si vous pensez pouvoir faire mieux, envoyez-moi votre enregistrement ou votre vidéo. Les meilleures productions seront publiées sur le blog. Vous pourriez bien entrer dans la légende et faire le buzz!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

6e - What's the weather like?

Voici quelques liens pour vous entraîner à parler de la météo en anglais:
*  (très complet, n'apprenez pas tout non plus, juste ce que l'on a vu en classe!)
* (si vous cliquez sur les mots, vous aurez leur prononciation)

Voici également une vidéo:

et une image: 

Et une autre vidéo pour aller encore plus loin et savoir quels vêtements porter, selon le temps qu'il fait:

Voilà de quoi bien travailler et vous amuser en anglais ce week-end!

Have fun! :)

1ère Euro - A Cardiff Bay preview


Here is a nice way to get ready for our visit of Cardiff Bay. It will give you a pretty good idea of what we will soon be visiting for real, and that way, you will know what you are talking about on Friday!
Just click on the link to start your virtual tour: Interactive Virtual Tour of Cardiff.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

2nde / 1ère ~ VOA News

Hello everyone,

If you are interested in international news and want to listen to some more English to improve your listening skills, here is a website you can use as often as you wish:
They have a special section for English learners, just browse and find out all the possibilities!

You can find many ideas there for your "news of the week" if you are in "seconde".

If you are already quite fluent, here is an interesting report about corruption and the India Food Program:

There are many podcasts you can subscribe to, have a look at this page:

You should all use this or other similar websites as regularly as possible. Don't forget you can also use the BBC Learning and 6-minute English widgets on the right of this blog page. They are regularly renewed.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Hello kids, and welcome (or welcome back) to Rocroy Saint-Vincent de Paul!

I hope you all enjoyed the summer holidays, and are ready for school.
Here are a few tips for you to start classes on the right track. Just click on the link
I'm good at English and then follow the advice. You will soon be able to see -and enjoy- the results!

Although this blog has not been updated in the last two years, you can still use most of the information and links it contains about the different lessons.

There are also several podcasts in the right column, BBC Learning, 6-minute English... They are automatically updated on a regular basis, so come back often and do the differents activities or listen to the audio files. They are an excellent way to practise and improve!

Don't forget to send me your feedback, it is very useful. You can leave a comment on any link or article.

I wish you all a successful year at school. :)